How to Choose the Right E-Book Format

Lucky you!

You’ve been gifted this book: You Bet Your Life! The Top 10 Reasons You Need a Professional Patient Advocate by Your Side – and how it’s time to download it.

So which file should you download?

We make this book available through Smashwords. Smashwords gives you access to several formats making this book available to be read on almost all devices – except Amazon devices (Kindle and Kindle Fire.*)


Which File to Download

ComputerDownload the Online Reader version from Smashwords, or download the Kindle reader for your computer and then purchase the book from Amazon.
All other devicesDownload the epub version of the book which will work with the device-specific apps below. The epub version will work on almost all devices (but not Kindle).
Android Devices:
Use Aldiko for the
epub file
If you have an Android tablet or phone, then download the Aldiko e-Reader from the Play Store. (free) Then open your epub formatted book using the Aldiko reader.
Apple iOS Devices:
Bluefire or iBooks
If you use an Apple tablet or phone, then download the Bluefire or iBooks e-Reader from iTunes (free). Either one will be able to open the epub version of the book.
*Kindle or
Kindle Fire

According to the Smashwords website, the .mobi format will work on a Kindle – however – we have been unable to make that work.

For the same price, you can instead download the Amazon Kindle format.

If you have trouble with your download, please refer to Smashwords help files.

You Bet Your Life!
The Top 10 Reasons
You Need a Professional
Patient Advocate by Your Side

book cover - You Bet Your Life! The Top 10 Reasons You Need a Professional Patient Advocate by Your Side

If you have trouble with your download, please refer to Smashwords help files.