
So You Want to Be a Patient Advocate? 
Choosing a Career in Health or Patient Advocacy

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Choosing a new career, the next chapter in your life, is never easy. So many questions, and difficulty finding answers….

Until now. If health or patient advocacy or navigation has been on your radar, you’ll find this book to be a handy resource with answers to your questions, including a few you probably didn’t even know to ask.

Think you want to work for a hospital, or a large doctors’ practice?  Or is private, self-employed, own-your-own business advocacy your goal? No matter what form of advocacy you think you might want to choose, get started with your decision-making here.

Patient advocates, health advocates, navigators, representatives, ombudsmen, care coordinators, care managers… the many names for advocates highlight their importance, yet cause some confusion at the same time.

If the concept of helping people weather the healthcare system is of interest to you, then this is the book to help you sort out what you need to know, then how to approach your own decision-making.

So You Want to Be a Patient Advocate?  Choosing a Career in Health or Patient Advocacy is the first in the Health Advocacy Careers Series. The others in the series support the business of advocacy.


How this book can help you:

  • Learn why the field is wide open and why it needs you.
  • Determine if your personality is a good fit for advocacy.
  • Evaluate your own skills and find resources for improving them.
  • Learn how to find patient advocacy jobs and how much they pay.
  • See how the Allegiance Factor can affect your job satisfaction and patient outcomes.
  • Decide if private, independent advocacy is a good choice for you.
  • Find resources to support your choice.
  • Here’s the Table of Contents 
  • Or download a sample of this book.


About the author, Trisha Torrey:

After 20+ years of working with hundreds of professionals and businesses, the author, Trisha Torrey, began focusing her work on health advocacy after suffering and overcoming her own challenges with the healthcare system.

In 2009, she founded the Alliance of Professional Health Advocates, a service that supports the business needs of health advocates, and which helps patients locate an advocate or coach who can help them.

About the publisher, DiagKNOWsis Media:

So You Want to Be a Patient Advocate?  Choosing a Career in Health or Patient Advocacy is published by DiagKNOWsis Media and is one of many patient and advocate support activities that DiagKNOWsis provides. Learn more about the publisher.

cover image - So You Want to Be a Patient Advocate? Choosing a Career in Health or Patient Advocacy
So You Want to Be a Patient Advocate? Choosing a Career in Health or Patient Advocacy
Third Edition

4.5 stars

by Trisha Torrey
Every Patient’s Advocate

50 pages (print)
Also available as an e-book.


Published by
DiagKNOWsis Media

@ 2022, 2018, 2015 Trisha Torrey
All rights reserved.

8″ x 10″

ISBN: 978-0982801451

Retail List prices:
$15.95 USD softcover
$ 8.95 USD e-book