You Bet Your Life!
Books for Patients from DiagKNOWsis Media
Health CARE and COST. Patients are getting the short shrift.
Groucho Marx may have made it famous, but little did he know how descriptive the phrase You Bet Your Life! would become for any patient who enters the healthcare system in the United States today.
- Patients have trouble talking with their doctors and getting their questions answered.
- Doctors won’t talk to each other; no one is coordinating patients’ care.
- Patients find med-speak, those more technical, medical terms used by providers, impossible to understand.
- Patients don’t understand why their care, which used to seem “free”, now costs them too much money.
- American patients – almost a half million per year – are injured or die due to medical errors and mistakes.
- American patients’ medical bills are just way too high!
And the list goes on.
But now information is available to help us solve the problems presented by this healthcare system-turned-debacle, to help us use that understanding to get what we need, when we need it, at a cost we can afford. These two books, written by Trisha Torrey (Every Patient’s Advocate) and published by DiagKNOWsis Media are now available for you.
You Bet Your Life!
The 10 Mistakes Every Patient Makes (How to Fix Them to Get the Healthcare You Deserve)
- Does your doctor rush through appointments, leaving you with unanswered questions?
- Have you been told your undiagnosed symptoms are “all in your head”?
- Have you or a loved one suffered from a medical error, like millions do each year?
- Do you wonder why people get sicker from the drugs they take…
- or why we see ads on TV for drugs we patients can’t purchase without a prescription?
- Are you confused about the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) and wonder how it affects you?
Do you wish you could simply get the medical care you need, when you need it, effectively and efficiently?
You Bet Your Life! The 10 Mistakes Every Patient Makes (How to Fix Them to Get the Healthcare You Deserve) helps you understand the answers to these challenges and more.
Part exposé and part toolkit, You Bet Your Life! explains why the system is so dysfunctional and how that hurts patients. You’ll read true stories shared by people like you who have suffered from substandard care. Then you’ll find tactics you can use to get the help you or a loved one needs.
Great medical care is available for those who know how to pursue it effectively. Let You Bet Your Life! show you how.
ISBN: 978-09828014-2-0
Softcover: $16.95
Kindle: $9.95
Learn more about this book.
You Bet Your Life!
The Top 10 Reasons
You Need a Professional
Patient Advocate by Your Side
Link to purchase.
Or learn how to get this book for free!
The healthcare system has become almost unrecognizable:
- Your doctor spends so little time with you. You don’t have enough time to get your questions answered!
- None of your doctors talk to each other. No one coordinates your care.
- They send you for so many tests; do you really need them all?
- What happens if you are misdiagnosed or there is a mistake in your care?
- And the cost… We know we are paying so much more for care than we ever did before!
Is it possible to get the care we need at a price we can afford?
Enter professional patient advocates; independent, empathetic, capable navigators and negotiators. People who can help you get the care you want and need while keeping your costs under control.
There are at least 10 reasons you need a private, professional advocate. And there are better and more effective ways than others to find the right one for you.
Learn more about the reasons and approach for improving your care and its cost in this second book of the You Bet Your Life! series.
ISBN: 978-0-9828014-7-5
Softcover: $5.95
E-book: $2.99